In Dutch:
Dagtekening 8 december 2022
Erg pijnlijk om te ontdekken wie van familie, schoonfamilie en vrienden zich met de linkerhand aan de kin hebben laten fotograferen en/of met de gemetselde muur op de achtergrond ...
Zij kunnen precies de verborgen hand zijn die ervoor heeft gezorgd dat je eigenwaarde je leven lang tot het formaat van een bonsai boompje is terug gesnoeid. Maar nu is het spel uit. Ricochet!
In English:
Determination Date December 8th, 2022
Very painful to discover who of family, in-laws and friends have been photographed with the left hand on the chin and / or with the brick wall in the background ...
They may have been the very hidden hand that has ensured that your self-esteem has been pruned back to the size of a bonsai tree throughout your life. But now it is game over. Ricochet!
"In some definitions, the Left-Hand Path is equated with malicious black magic or black shamanism, while the Right-Hand Path with benevolent white magic."
Public Is Presumption
Common Is Not Law
Private Is Law
Vincent Zegel
Iustus Æternam
Suveran d'œuvre
All rights reserved
Hoge Raad van de Kinderen HRK SAC
High Council of the Children HRK SAC
Both Doris and Mirthe [ Hoefsloot Sleper] have fully autographed and privately Beneficially Accepted their Individual Benefactor Placenta Galero Compound Interest Checkerboard Birth Trust Estate concealed under the Veil of the Cestui Que Vie Discretionary Trusts 1666, Under The Benefit of Surname Inventory In Fact, respectively sent in 2018 and in 2020, and thus they have both informed the maritime presumed power of attorney De Facto: the Minister of Finance, the National Bank and The Collateral Council of States' Vice President O.E.S.S.H. of the private Freemasonry Lodge "Leden van de Staten Generaal" and Chair His Royal Highness the King of the House of Orange of the Order of the Golden Fleece, Ridderzaal Binnenhof In The Hague and both their inheritance documents have to this date remained uncontested.
1 Samuel 8
I for One, +Doris and Mirthe, Sole Heirs: +Wilhelmina Theodora Maria and Maria Hermine, am not "a people" who refused the guidance of Samuel and demanded Samuel that God would provide "the people" with a wordly and just king. However in defense of "the people" who did not choose God, "the people" were severely distracted and misguided by the suffering inflicted upon them by the malicious left hand path practices of the injust sons of Samuel himself. I for One, +Doris and Mirthe, Sole Heirs: +Wilhelmina Theodora Maria and Maria Hermine, Am A Child of the Original One. The Presence of the Ancient One Springs Forth At My Command. I Am This I Am And As I Decree It So It Is.
Decree Expressions Gratitude: E'Asha Ashayana [Deane].
Hoefsloot Sleper
(Jansen De Cloet)
Durable Power of Attorney In Fact
Authorized Representative
Sole Heir Public Record
2022/2023 - 2025