Do You See The Rainbow Swastika
Every Where
Why Are
You Silent
Who Are You Protecting
We Do
Not Resign
To Your Lies
Deprivation of rights by appearance
of legal
No Consent!
Don't ever fall for their riding the goat deceptions and traps
again as they did during all their despicable World Wars !
The rainbow swastika is not about diversity acceptance but about Color of law ultra vires corporate political beyond the powers abuse and war.
Color of law refers to the appearance of legal authority or an apparently legal right that may not exist. The term is often used to describe the abuse of power under the guise of state
authority, and is therefore
illegal. The term was used in the Civil Rights Act of 1871, where the color of law was synonymous with state action and referred to an official whose conduct was so closely associated with a state that the conduct was deemed to be the action of that state. The Act grants citizens the right to sue government officials and their agents for using their power to violate civil rights. An example is the history of redlining, which can be seen in this map from Syracuse, New York.
Ultra vires is a Latin phrase that translates to“beyond the powers.” This means that someone is acting beyond the scope of the authority or power that is granted to him by law, contract, or agreement. Ultra vires is opposite from intra vires, which is Latin for “within the powers.”
Ultra Vires - Definition, Meaning, Examples, Cases, Processes (
Iustus Aeternam Theodore Hoefsloot
My risen one has not resigned himself to the deception and the lies
The Heavenly Warrior Defeats the Beast
11 I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and wages war.
12 His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself.
In Answer To Your Question: Why Freemasons Worship Their Transformer Incognito Goat G'd.
1 "Riding the goat" equals Rebecca (Rivka) and Jacob's foreknowledged deceit, serving blind and old Isaac a meal of tender goat meat (intended to be served by Esau) prepared by Rebecca the way Isaac liked it, at the expense of Esau who then lost Isaac's hereditary blessing.
2 When Jacob bought the birthright (and the blessing that came with it) from Esau, he was 13 years old. So Jacob had bought that firstborn blessing from Esau 50 years earlier! Genesis 25, 34: "Esau despised the birthright”
3 Esau is being framed as a non believer and a birthright and hereditary blessing despiser. However Esau, who actually was the firstborn, despised the birthright and blessing merchandizing! or as we call it nowadays: the Cestui Que Vie birth trust bond insider trading.
4 Jacob being the second born, had ofcourse every reason to buy Esau's first born birthright and hereditary blessing. Esau wasn't interested in a bond as he never expected to lose his bio-spiritual birthright and hereditary blessing to Jacob's incognito trickery.
5 Do you see it? Jacob's Cestui Que Vie interim trust bond insider trading is now fully coordinated by Jacob's non-inherited commercial political outsider third parties. The birth registered inhabitants are all being framed as Esaus who despised their birthright!
6 How convenient. Truth is: Esau didn't believe a bond and a transformer incognito trick could deny him his bio-spiritual firstborn birthright and hereditary blessing which indeed is unbelievable! Well, here we are. Birth registrations are corrupt.
7 Basic Registration corruption based on Jacob's trust bond trading and transformer incognito trickery, has expanded dramatically ever since. Esau became a disinherited "person" while non-inherited Jacob's deceit called: "riding the goat" (Isaac's meal) rewards him.
8 Unfortunately for incognito Jacob, G'd intervened. Isaac was blind and old but that did not deter Jacob from his ruthless deceit. Jacob only worried about himself being exposed so Rivka arranged the incognito trickery for Jacob.
9 G'd sent His own Sole Heir to rehabilitate Isaac's blessing and Esau's Origin. Bad news for the tricksters and Cestui Que Vie interim birth trust trading! G'd's Sole Heir was falsely accused, convicted and crucified as a presumptive "person".
10 Then G'd's Own Sole Heir rose from the dead at (the) sea (of commerce) presumption. The Risen One did not resign to the presumption of death and Isaac's blessing and Esau's Origin were restored and Origin's birth trust repatriated.
11 Canon 2124: When an individual has re-established their hereditary competent living status, then by law the Cestui Que Vie Trust aka Basic Registration Presumptive Natural Persons, is dissolved and they return to be acknowledged as a beneficiary or a some higher standard if a trust. In either case, it is both unlawful and serious fraud against the law to seek income taxes once the Cestui Que Vie is dissolved and no (dead) body corporate exists to use as argument for rent.
12 Controlled opposition is both anti-christ and anti-bible as the slavemasters want us all dead and the Trust Manual called Bible destroyed; it's not a recession, it's a riding the goat birth trust robbery .
Mirthe Hoefsloot Sleper de Cloet
Authoritative Oeuvre Vincent Zegel Suveran
All rights reserved
BRP = Basic Registration Presumptive Persons = transgender incognito = Clausula Rebus Sic Stantibus = Hereditary Competence = Canon 2057 = Canon 2124 = Origin's Birth Trust Repatriation = return to being acknowledged as Beneficiary of one's permanent Origin's Trust
Hoefsloot Sleper
(Jansen De Cloet)
Durable Power of Attorney In Fact
Authorized Representative
Sole Heir Public Record
2022/2023 - 2025